The Modern Hominid
Created By Phyllis Sanfiorenzo
Hello I am Phyllis Sanfiorenzo and welcome to the official LUCIA Cartoon website!
I am very happy to share with everyone all the exciting adventures LUCIA gets into and how she came to be.
You see, LUCIA is a modern day Hominid and she got started as a discovery on a fictional Island.
As it stands now, the LUCIA Cartoon is being produced and drawn frame by frame by me - the artist and creator!
In a short while a 2 to 3 minute introductory LUCIA Cartoon Film will be presented on this website and other social networking platforms. It will be a family friendly Toon suitable for all audiences!
I do look forward to presenting this exciting venture to all of you, friends and family, so do check back from time to time to keep in touch with us and be sure to Like and Share!